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Naomi Linzen is a multi- disciplinary artist, focusing on painting and mixed media. In her work, she explores her personal identity and cultural symbols while examining materiality, texture and form. Overall, her work represents an in-depth journey of introspection.

Linzen works in acrylic paint on canvas combined with mixed media. Her tactile multi-layered paintings at once reveal and conceal, and are richly textured. Her works lie on the cusp between two-dimensional paintings and three-dimensional reliefs. A noteworthy recurring element in her paintings is the use of objects that she randomly gathers from her immediate surroundings – such as alfalfa, gravel, sand, and pebbles – combined with items such as broken glass and rusty objects, as well as scrap materials from her studio, such as peels of acrylic paint, or epoxy leftovers.

Linzen’s work oscillates between extremes: balanced and chaotic, orderly and disorganized, mobile and static, resulting in a canvas that is unrestricted yet precise, striving to attain a certain personal truth.  The subject painted is mostly undefined and explores the boundary between the identifiable and the abstract, between reality and fiction, in a manner that leaves the viewer free to search for meaning.

Her works have a deceptive aspect, as things are not always what they first appear to be.

Artist Statement 

In my works, I examine the balance between the parts that define me – impulsivity and organization, beauty and ugliness. For me, the works express a veiling of truth and the tension between my internal and external self. I am crying out silently about the gulf between my external appearance and the inner mental experience. It is an experience of mental complexity that is constructed from the need to compromise in order to fit in, in the face of the desire not to compromise and to deliver the naked truth, and the understanding that I am able to express internal chaos only when it is coated and processed.

Naomi Linzen

Born in England, 1964, and has lived in Israel since 1974.



2017-2025   Art Studies, Amir Shefet's studio

2022    Art Studies, Amit Cabessa's studio

2014   Artist Mentorship, by artist Shai Azoulay

2011  The Artists' Program, Ramat Gan Museum of Israeli            Art, Ramat Gan, led by Monica Lavi

2002-2010  Art studies, "Hastudio”, Ra'anana College of                Art  

2006 personal program, Hamidrasha- the School of Art,                Beit Berl College 

2001-2003   Art Therapy, Beit Berl College

1984-1988   BPT Physiotherapy, Tel Aviv University



2018-2021  The Artists' House, Kfar Saba

2013-2020  Dror Association


Naomi Linzen: From Chaos, exhibition catalogue, 2021

Solo Exhibitions

2023  “After All”,Machon Hamaim Gallery, Givatayim,

      Curator: Ruti Chinski Amitai.

      Naomi Linzen & Bat Sheva Hass.             

2021  “From Chaos”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba,                      Curator: Galit Semel

2012  “Selected Works”, ADD Gallery, Castra Center, Haifa           Curator: Lev Kiperman


Selected Group Exhibitions

2022   "Couples Counseling", City Gallery Kfar Saba, Kfar               Saba,Curators:Hagar Raban and Hadassa Cohen               (catalogue) 

2021  “The Exhibition that didn’t take place”, Hanina                      Contempary Art Gallery, Tel Aviv, Curators: Hagar                Raban and Tali Kayam

2020   “A Burden on Earth”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba,             Curator: Hagar Raban

2019   “Midway”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba, Curator:                Efi Gen

          “Liquid - Solid”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba,                     Curator: Neta Gal Azmon

          “A Window to a Dream”, Ra’anana Cultural Center,               Ra’anana, Curator: Nava Porat

2018  “Pleasant Unpleasant”, The Artists' House , Kfar                   Saba, Curator: Amit Cabessa

          “Local World”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba,                       Curator: Ruthy Chinsky Amitay

          “Disruption”, The Artists' House, Kfar Saba,                           Curator: Galit Semel

2017   "XL-XS", The Artists' House, Kfar Saba, Curator:                   Amir Shefet

           “From Word to Image”, Ra’anana Cultural Center,                 Curator: Nava Porat

2016  “Figure -Landscape- Homeland”, Gallery on the                    Lake, Ra’anana, Curator: Nava Porat

2012   Graduate Exhibition- The Artists' Program, Ramat                 Gan Museum of Israeli Art, Curator: Monica Lavi

2010   "Exhibition of Three Artists", Ra’anana Cultural                     Center , Ra’anana, Curator: Gabi Ben Zano

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© 2024 by Naomi Linzen | נעמי לינזן

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